Standard Reporting Package (Release 7.4)

The Standard Reporting package is included in client installations to give access to basic user session information such as sessions over time, sessions by application (for when client installations use multiple packages), usage (minutes) per user, etc. It also provides on screen and download access to the application logging records for more detailed review as necessary.
This application is based on the LogicNets Reporting framework, and can therefore be expanded on to include a custom set of reports in addition to those provided as a courtesy.
This package comes with a set of predefined filters for selecting a subset of reporting data, as follows:
- Report type (see below for descriptions)
- Date range filter
- Package filter, which allows you to drill down to reporting by application. This can be useful in implementations where there are multiple "protocols" mapped in LogicNets, as you could review usage stats for each one individually or overall
Output Formats
Reports are generated on screen, and with the HighCharts plug-in license, reports can be viewed as graphics, and exported as PDF, image files or CSV format.
Data Scope, Archive & Security
The Reporting package will recap application logs for the environment it is installed on. In the event that your solution involves multiple installations that require aggregation of logging data, feature 1 below will be useful.
Over time, the underlying data table and views contain an increasing amount of data. To insure the system runs smoothly over multiple years of logging, feature 2 below is useful.
- set up an automated process to periodically copy over the data to an alternate database outside of the LogicNets installation.
- define the data removal timeframe and automatically clear out records no longer required for current reporting
You could define this to keep a rolling 12, 18 or 24 months of data, for instance
Advanced Business Reporting
Note that some clients have utilized the LogicNets Assessment framework with underlying business tables instead, as an alternative to this framework. The Assessment framework executes custom modelled logic, and is suitable for detailed business reporting where a wide range of filters might be required. Speak to your LogicNets Project Manager about the best approach to building your reporting suite.