Advanced Topics

  • updated 2 yrs ago

1. Onstart Logicnets

When you want to do some common initialization, it is possible to put those logicnets in the onstart folder.

You can put as many logicnets as you need in this folder, they will be executed in the order as they appear in the onstart folder.

LogicNets called in the onstart folder will have access to the same context as the end-point logicnets, so they can access the __in and __out data-objects to retrieve input data or to write data to the output data objects already. 

2. Custom Input and Output Data Conversion

It is possible to specify the custom input and output data convertors; for example, to support custom data formats or to perform data validation on the input data. In the framework settings tab you can specify your data convertors.

Note: If you specify a data convertor, the system will bypass the standard framework data convertor. This means that you will have to perform data conversion for all the data formats that you want to support. You can use the information from the ‘request_info’ to determine the data format of the input data.


Data convertors have access to the same context as the end-point logicnets, so they can access the __in and __out data-objects to retrieve input data or to write data to the output data objects already.

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