Opening and Closing Documents

  • updated 6 mths ago

Creating a new document or opening an existing document are both tasks LogicNets can initiate in the External Storage System (ESS). Check the appropriate user manual of the ESS you are using for instructions on how to open or create a document.

When the LogicNets document is opened the LogicNets Starter loads the documents from the ESS and displays a progress bar.

Once the system loads the document and identifies the protocol (and major protocol version), the system starts the LogicNets application immediately. In most applications, LogicNets will display a Submit, Save, and Cancel button.

When a user clicks the Cancel button, the system does not save any data back to the ESS. The LogicNets application closes and informs the ESS that document editing has been canceled. 

When a user clicks the Save or Submit button, LogicNets saves the updates back to the ESS. The LogicNets application closes and displays a note to close the browser tab or redirects the browser to the ESS web page.

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