Get User Profile

  • updated 11 mths ago


The get_user_profile-parts provides functionality to copy the current logged on user details (name, email, roles, etc.) into your application context. Note that the method of authentication (local user, single sign on, etc) will impact what meta data is available for use.


By adding the get_user_profile-part into a process node the current user-details can be retrieved. This part can be used in combination with the show_user-part and works independently from the project authentication configuration.

Tips & Tricks

This part is most often used as part of LogicNets' Starter App Framework combined with an Assessment Framework application. Using this part in the Starter App will generate a container with information that can be used to populate a saved session table, e.g. record last modified by (You can choose from user_email, first_name, organization, etc.)

When a new (or resumed) session of the Assessment application is created, the LogicNets Starter App will post a string of the complete user profile across in the context, so it is available for use. As a Designer, you can choose to:

  • [most installations] use information in the Starter App user profile string in rules, routers, and other fields. You will need to place a set data object part in the onstart logicnet as follows (assumes user_profile is the name assigned in the Starter)

  • OR, [only more sophisticated, multi-project applications] get the user profile from the Assessment Framework (that will potentially reveal different roles and user details)


Editor Fields

Field Name




Data object

This is the path where the system stores the user profile details.

Data Object



Download and import the following example project in your workspace.

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