Knowledge Center Roles and Permissions

  • 4 yrs ago


The LogicNets Knowledge Center supports the use of roles and permissions to specify allowable actions, the content that users can see, and to assign users who can manage the content. To use this feature you need to configure the roles in the Designer, which is explained in Configure Your Project. You configure roles in the Designer and then set the permissions for each role in the Knowledge Center.

In the Knowledge Center, roles define the actions that users can perform, including copying, renaming, or deleting a folder or individual topic. You specify permissions at the folder level for each role, and those permissions extend from the folder to the topics in that folder.

Setting Permissions

  1. To specify permissions for each role, click the icon lock in the tools options. 


    The system will show the permissions selector.
  2. For each role, click the checkbox for each action you want users with that role to be able to perform.

In the image above, the permissions are set as follows:

  • Guest users are locked out of the selected folder. Users with this role are able to see the folder name but are not able to open the folder or see its contents.
  • Users with the role publisher have full access to this folder but cannot change permissions for the folder.
  • Only users with the role admin have the ability to change/assign permissions to roles. Users with the other two roles will not see the lock icon in the tools list.
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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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