Knowledge Center Topic (BETA)

  • updated 1 mth ago


The knowledgecenter.topic part checks for, creates, and updates topics in the Knowledge Center. You can use this part to determine if a Knowledge Center topic exists as well as to create or update a topic.

NOTE: This part is currently in the Beta phase. You can only use this part if your company has enhanced privileges or a system package.

Node Type: This part is located in process nodes in the Misc dropdown menu.

Used With: You can use this part with standalone and framework-based applications.

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Mode Check if topic exists | Create topic | Update topic Dropdown Optional
Result This is the result object. When checking if a topic exists, the system returns the id of the topic. This will be nil when you are creating a topic. If you successfully update a topic, the system returns the id of the updated topic. Data Object Optional
Result message If the mode is Check if topic exists, the system displays this field. It is the success message or the error message. Data Object Optional

Mandatory if result is not empty
Result status If the mode is Check if topic exists, the system displays this field. It displays the status of the search. Data Object Optional

Mandatory if result is not empty
Language code When updating, creating, or checking for a topic you can specify a language. The system always checks if a topic exists in English and then returns or changes the translation. Text Optional
External id This is the external id with which you can identify a topic. The system uses this id when checking if a topic exists except if you use a language code (see Parent topic). Text Optional
Parent topic You can use the parent id to identify a topic when you use language other than English. Text Optional
Use external parent id Click this checkbox if you want to search using the parent id.

Default: off
Checkbox Optional


If the Mode is Set to Create or Update Topic

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Name This is the name of the topic. Text Optional
Version This is the topic version number. Text Optional
Question This is the topic title. Text Optional
Answer This is the topic content. Text Optional
Folder Within the Knowledge Center, you can make different folders. Use this variable to provide the id of the folder in which the article is or will be located. Text Optional
Topic resources This a collection of files or images that will be uploaded as a topic resource. Collection Optional
Is a html page This checkbox identifies if the contents are html.

Default: off
Checkbox Optional
Created by This is the name of the person who created the topic. It is only visible when the mode is Create topic. Text Optional
Modified by This is the name of the person who modified the topic. It is only visible when the mode is Update topic. Text Optional
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