Using the Test Manager: Required Configuration Steps

  • updated 2 mths ago

To use the LogicNets Test Manager with the Assessment Framework applications you must first set up a few things in Access Management. These steps assume that your installation build includes the Test Manager (LN-TEM).

Access Management Configuration

Open Access Management and navigate to the Group tab, which is the second icon down in the navigation bar. Find or create the group for users who need access to the testing workflow, and make the following changes in the Modify screen:

  1. Make your group a member of the system.test-managers group, which is available by default.
  2. Add the Test Manager package to the Dashboard.
  3. Add the following group roles to the AssessmentFrameworkFHIRQ category: 
    • Add api role.
    • Add addtestcase role.
  4. Click Save after making your changes.

Project Configuration

To use Assessment Framework applications with the Test Manager and with the FHIRQ Executor comparison tool, change the project framework to AssessmentFrameworkFHIRQ. This will not impact your ability to test the project user interface using the Test button.

  1. Click Modify to update the project details.
  2. Select AssessmentFrameworkFHIRQ from the list. *
  3. (Optionally) set a default startcode for the project. The Test Manager requires a published project with startcode, but you can also customize the startcode when you publish the application.
  4. Publish the project in preparation for creating/running test cases.

* To use the Test Manager with other frameworks, such as Web Services, and other comparison tools please talk to your LogicNets Representative.

FHIR Test Client

After you complete the steps above, you can work directly with the Test Manager and the FHIR Test Client.

The FHIR Test Client is a tool that uses FHIRQ to run your Assessment Framework application as a series of requests/responses that can be fixed as Test Cases, in preparation for running against future versions of your application.

You can invoke the FHIR Test Client in a new browser tab using the following URL:


e.g. https://myinstallation.logicnets.net/mycompany/LogicNetsASF101/api/fhirtestclient

See the additional articles on Test Manager for instructions on how to work with the Test Manager.

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