Set Dataobject Meta

  • updated 4 yrs ago


The Set Dataobject Meta part can be used to configure meta information for a question, currently scoped to defining what the default answer is, the suggested answer, if the suggested answer comes from a confirmed source and a generic description.


This part is not directly available from the Designer menu's, but can be configured by adding any part, save and go to the code tab. Change the _name into "set_dataobject_meta" and save again. Then the part can be accessed through the Elements tab.
In the Visual Guideline framework, this meta information is used to determine if a selected answer is the default answer and if the selected answer is the suggested answer. An external system might for example provide suggestions what the answer could be.
The part must be used before the actual question is reached.

Editor Fields


Type / Options






The name of the object to store the meta information for. This must match the name of the actual object used for a question.

Data type

Text | Number | Date |
Collection | Container


The datatype of the data object.

Default value



The value that is to be considered as default. This must match the value of an option / choice of the targeted answer.

Suggested value Text O The value that is to be considered to be the suggested value. This must match the value of an option / choice of the targeted answer.
Confirmed False | True | N/A M Set to true if the suggested value originates from a confirmed source, set to false if not and to N/A when confirmation is not applicable.
Description Text O Description of the targeted data object.
URL Caption Text O Text to be shown as a URL.
Call Logicnet Text O Name of the logicnet to be called when the URL caption is clicked.
Parameters Table O  List of parameters passed to the called logicnet when the URL is clicked.

Source:     Text. Name of the collection. 
Template:  Text. Name of the template logicnet.
Title:           Text. Text to be shown before each template logicnet is called.




See node/part resource and references

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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