Parts Configuration

  • updated 4 yrs ago

This topic gives an overview of parts that support speech recognition/voice input and provides speech-recognition-specific information for those parts.



The checklist part uses the generic Speech command implementation for allowing an end user to select a question next to the caption of that question. However, in the options you can define additional grammar to allow the system to recognize other answers/options. To avoid confusion, the system will only allow end users to check/answer options using voice command and will only allow options to be unchecked using a keyboard or mouse.


Once an end user selects an option the system moves the focus to the next option in the same checklist, just as it would if the end user were using a keyboard. The system will only move the focus to the next question after the last option of the checklist has been highlighted.

Date Input

The date input part offers the generic Speech command configuration option, but it does not provide any additional functionality. Voice input will only work when the question is in focus, and an end user cannot select a date-based question by saying the caption of the question.


The date input part is a 'free input' speech control, meaning the system will display a popup in which you can enter the voice input. This popup allows for manual correction in case the speech recognition makes an incorrect interpretation. When input is correct and complete, press EOL or the navigate button to apply the recognized data. In the part configuration there is the option to define the formatting. This does not affect the voice input and end users can still say a date in any format. The software will then automatically convert the date into the correct formatting.


The dropdown part uses the generic Speech command implementation for allowing an end user to select a question next to the generic use of the caption of the question. However, in the options you can define additional grammar to allow the system to recognize other answers/options. There are no voice commands to open or close the dropdown.


Numeric Input

Like the date input part, the numeric input is a 'free input' speech control. It does have the generic Speech command, but it does not provide any additional functionality. As with the date input part, the numeric input part supports formatting. The end user says a number and the speech engine automatically converts the number to the correct format.


Radio List

The radiolist part is like the checklist part and supports the generic Speech command for the control and the options. As with the checklist part, a selected item cannot be unchecked. Selecting a different option will uncheck the previously checked option, however. The focus action acts the same as it would if the end user were using a keyboard: when the end user answers an option the system automatically jumps to the next question.



The Smartgrid part is unique in that it generates multiple, repeating part sets. Each individual part is addressable through voice command and the system takes action for the part in the active row. Voice command navigation through rows is not currently supported and must be done using a mouse, keyboard, or navigation buttons (FWD, REW).


To remove a row use the following commands: "delete", "remove", "erase". The allowable commands are currently only in English.
To add a row use the following commands: "add", "add one". The allowable commands are currently only in English.

Text Area

The text area part is a 'free input' part that allows multi-line input. The generic Speech command for this part has no additional functionality yet. When activating voice input for a text area, the system displays a speech input balloon that also allows corrections to be made in case of recognition mistakes. When you press EOL or navigate to a different question they system will enter the recognized result in the text area.


Text Input

The text input is similar to the text area part; however, it only accepts single-line input.



The button part is a bit different than the other controls/parts in that it requires an 'activation command' to be triggered. The system sets the default activation command to the configured caption, but it can be expanded by the generic Speech command configuration. To activate a button, the end user says 'Go To' (English), 'Ga naar' (Dutch), 'Aller à' (French), or 'Gehe zu' (German) and then pronounces the caption or speech command.


Page Label

As with the button part the page label part (page_label-0-1) accepts an 'activation command' to trigger the activation of the tab/page label. Which property of the page label entries to use is defined by the caption's configuration or defaults to the caption. If there is no caption this part uses the index of the individual elements.


The activation commands for this part are 'Page' (English), 'Pagina' (Dutch), 'Page' (French), and 'Seite' (German). After the end user says the activation command he must speak the caption/speech command for the specific tab.

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