Install a Published Package via Command Line

  • updated 4 yrs ago

System Administrators can install a published package in a different LogicNets installation using the following steps in the command line:

  1. Publish a project and download the zip-file to the server (e.g. c:\mypackage.zip).
  2. Open the command prompt.
  3. Go to c:\LogicNets\system\scripts.
  4. Start the install package script ().
install_package mycompany C:\mypackage.zip myapp.
  1. Start the package.
    1. Open an internet browser.
    2. Go to the URL http://mydomain.com/mycompany/logicnets.lns?verb=start&code=myapp

Note: If you re-install a package with the same name the system overwrites the previous package.

By default, the system sets already installed packages of the same category (project name in the Designer) inactive. You can disable this functionality by providing an additional command line parameter: keepexistingactive.

Using the Package Installer
The system interprets Designer project names as the category names for their published package, which provides an alternative to the above approach. If you copy a Designer project and rename it published packages from that project will acquire the new category name. Packages you install from the new Designer project will have their own unique category label, and will not deactivate any other packages. A naming example is laid out in the table below.

Designer Project
(Published Category Name)
Item Published Package Name Notes
Project1_0 1 Project1_0_1  
Project1_0 2 Project1_0_2 2 WILL deactivate 1
Project1_1 3 Project1_1_1 3 will NOT deactivate 1 or 2
Project1_1 4 Project1_1_2 4 will NOT deactivate 1 or 2
4 WILL deactivate 3 


If a meta-xml file is located next to the package-zip file (C:\mypackage.zip) with the same name as the package-zip file added with ".xml" (C:\mypackage.zip.xml) the system installs the meta-xml file as well. If the installation fails the system sets a non-zero exit code.

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