
  • updated 8 mths ago


The Advice part allows you to display advice or descriptive text to the end user.


This part is available for those applications using the Visual Guidelines Framework. It allows you to display advice or descriptive text to the end user; for example, the text displayed could include a diagnostic conclusion or a recommendation for a specific order or next step.

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Label This field contains the text the system displays as the advice header.


Text Mandatory
Path This field contains text that can be used to look up additional information. Text Optional
Call logicnet This field holds the id of the logicnet to be called for additional information or selection options. If you use this field the UI will display a circle a circle with a dropdown arrow. When a user clicks the icon the system opens the identified logicnet. Text Optional
Description This field holds the descriptive text or advice the system will display when the end user reaches the node. Text Mandatory


There are different types of advice nodes that can be displayed to end users. The first is a simple advice node, which contains descriptive text. The second type of advice node contains a call icon, which allows the end user to see additional information or selection options.

1. Simple Advice Node

2. Advice Node with Call Icon

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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