Convert Date to Number

  • updated 1 mth ago


This part enables the user to split a date object into its separate components: year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds. 


The Convert Date to Number part takes a date object or a date in the YYYYMMDD.HHmmSS format and splits it into individual objects. The system stores the individual objects together under the data object name the user assigns; for example, if the user names the data object my_datenumber_object, the system will create objects named as follows: 

- my_datenumber_object.year
- my_datenumber_object.month
- my_datenumber_object.day
- my_datenumber_object.hours
- my_datenumber_object.minutes
- my_datenumber_object.seconds

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory 
Data Object This is the name under which the system will store the converted values. Data Object Mandatory
Group The Group field enables the user to create a collection of data objects. By assigning a group do a data object the user creates the data object's parent, with which the user can call the data object. For example:
  • Data object: my_date_object
  • Group: my_group
  • Call: my_group.my_date_object

If the user does not assign a group to system will call my_date_object directly.
Text Optional
Date This is the source date the system will convert into individual pieces. This can be a data object or the user can manually input a date in the format: HHmmSS. Text Mandatory


For an example of how to use the Convert Date to Number part, download and import the following sample project in your workspace

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