Creating Content References

  • updated 8 mths ago


Content references allow you to add more information to your applications, and this content can include text, graphics, PDFs, mp4 files, and URL links. You store this content and then associate it with a logicnet node and display it when a user is interacting with your application. Two common use cases are:

  • Creating content references that provide information liked to specific questions to help your users understand the question being asked and/or the answer choices.
  • Creating content references as a report component repository with different articles being presented or written into a report based on user selections in your application.

You store content references with your project and you can edit and update them using the LogicNets Designer. It is particularly useful to incorporate content references for relatively static content that gets updated on a similar frequency to updates to the overall application. For reference information that is more dynamic or if you need to manage content outside of the LogicNets Designer interface, you should consider using the LogicNets Knowledge Center. See Knowledge Center Basics for more information.

Creating and Editing Content References

You create and organize content references in the resources/content folder of your project. To create a new content reference, do the following: 

  1. Navigate to the resources/content folder of your project and click the New Document icon.

  2. Enter the name of your content and then add the content in the body of the reference.

  3. Using the dropdown menu, select the type of content you are including.
  4. Click save to save your changes.

Formatting Your Content References

The text edit box includes a menu with a number of formatting features, including text formatting options. There are also additional feature options as well.

  1. File Upload: You can use this button to import images, documents, PDFs, and mp4 files. This also gives you the option of displaying the information in a frame or as a clickable link.
  2. Paste as Text: This button allows you to paste content copied from Microsoft Word. It removes hidden formatting often included in pasted text.
  3. HTML View: This allows you to view the content at the HTML level so you can manage DIVs, inline styling, and image size, for example.
  4. URL: This button allows you to add a URL to either a publicly available or internal "intranet" web address.

Important Notes:

  • Large media files may cause a disruption in performance while the system reads data into memory.
  • You should be aware of the security risks of uploading files that could potentially contain non-approved content, HTML, or other harmful code.
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