External Workspace Management - Publish Runtime Application Flow
LogicNets Design Environment (LDE) Publish Web Service
The LogicNets web service receives the request to generate the runtime package. It generates the runtime package and uploads the package to DMS by calling back a DMS web service.
A relative base URL for the request is:
Method: POST
Name | Description | Example |
external_id | This is the DMS session Id, which is used to call back the DMS web service with status update of the process. | external_id=ed35ac18-4c83-4ad9-b2ef-97e3cabc7249 |
hostname | This is the host name where the DMS web services are running. | hostname=dms.company.com |
port | This is the port number where the DMS web services are listening for requests. | port=8080 |
runtime_package_id | LogicNets uses this identifier to name the runtime package and writes this indentifier to the package meta xml file. | runtime_package_id=mypackagev10 |
The system sends the project and the dependent projects that need to be published in the body of the request.
Name | Description |
mainProject | This is the project JSON object representing the main project (that will be published). |
dependencyProjects | This is the array of Project JSON objects. These are the dependent projects. |
Project JSON Object
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | DMS assigned ID for the project |
dataZip | Base64-encoded binary zip (optional) | This is the byte stream of the zip file or it is null. The zip file includes the project files for one LogicNets projectNull for new projects |
isReadOnly | Boolean (optional) | True indicates that project should be opened in read-only mode. False indicates that project should be opened in edit mode. The default value is false. |
metaXml | String (optional) | This is the meta-XML of project. |
DMS Service to Save Published Package
To receive a generated runtime package and the status of the publish process the DMS needs to provide a web service.
A relative base URL of the web method is /LogicNetsImport/Save?sessionid=<DMS-session-id>
Method: POST
Property | Description |
DMS-session-id | This is the ID the system passes in the Start LDE URL. |
Body | This is a JSON object with the package and the publish status that needs to be saved. |
Property | Type | Description |
dataZip | Base64-encoded binary zip | This is the byte stream of the zip file, which includes the published package. |
sessionId | String | This is the DMS Session ID. |
metaXml | String | This is the meta-XML of published package. |
status | String | 201 – Indicates publish was successful. 417 – Indicates expectation failed. Expectation is “run-time package created”. Failure detail is included in statusMessage. |
statusMessage | String | This contains any additional error message information and the publish log. |
The DMS must respond to the request with an HTTP status code.
Status Code | Status Text | Description |
200 | Success | This indicates the request is successful and data is saved. |
403 | Forbidden | This indicates that the authentication failed. |
500 | Internal Server Error | This indicates that there were expected server errors. |
Additional Information
Check the following links for more information: