Whitelisting Directories

  • updated 4 yrs ago


Some functions in the LogicNets Designer allow the Designer to reference external directories. One example of this is the File Upload part, which allows you to give your application users the ability to upload files. These files can be saved to a named drive/directory that is external to the LogicNets application and folder structure.

For security reasons, LogicNets blacklists all external directories, but you can use the System Configuration package to whitelist named directories if needed.

How to Whitelist a Directory

Whitelisting a directory means that you identify it to the LogicNets system so the system allows you to access that directory from LogicNets application. The steps to whitelist a directory are as follows:

  1. Navigate to the System Configuration package on your LogicNets landing page. Note: You may not have the permissions required to access this package and may need to ask your LogicNets administrator to provide you access.
  2. Open the package, and select the Security tab.
  3. In the Whitelisted directories field, enter the directory to be whitelisted. For multiple folders, click the + button to enter the names of additional directories.
  4. Click Save to save your updates.

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