Create a New Company

  • 4 yrs ago

While the following section is still valid, LogicNets now also provides interactive configuration capabilities for the functionality described below.

System administrators can create a new company in an existing LogicNets installation using the following

  1. Open a system command prompt.
  2. Type cd /system/scripts.
  3. Type addcompany .
    a. Note: The company name should only contain alphanumeric characters.
    b. On some operating systems the folder names are case-sensitive and will reflect in the browser URL.
  4. Re-install all system components. This step will install an register all licensed LogicNets components in installed local companies
    a. Go to the components folder in the unzipped LogicNets installation package and run install_components)
  5. Open internet browser.
  6. Enter URL: http:///<company/logicnets.lns?verb=start&code=logon.
  7. Check if the logon page is displayed
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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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