Screen Configuration Options

  • updated 3 yrs ago

The following table lists the fields/setting options for layout/UI and what each item means.

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Custom topbar When set to "no", the system will use the preconfigured top bar from the Application Starter Framework. When set to "yes", you must enter the name of the logicnet the system should access for the top bar. Yes/No Optional
Company logo This option is only applicable when Custom topbar is set to "no".

This field should contain the name of the bitmap file of the company logo for the system to display on the topbar. The name of the bitmap file should have ‘application@’ before it; for example, application@logicnets_logo.bmp.
Text Optional
Show user This option is only applicable when Custom topbar is set to "no".

When this checkbox is checked the system will display on the topbar the details (name, roles) of the logged-on user. The system will also display log-in/log-out controls and a control that allows the user to modify their user details.
Checkbox Optional
Show home button This option is only applicable when Custom topbar is set to "no".

When this option is checked the system will display a "Home" button on the topbar. When the end user clicks this button the system returns the user to the URL from which the application started.
Checkbox Optional
Browser Title Text This option changes the text on the browser tab from the default (LogicNets Expert System) and can be used to indicate the application is running in a specific tab. Text Optional
Application name This option is only applicable when Topbar UI net is not specified.

Enter the name of your application in this field. The system will display the name of your application on the topbar.
Text Mandatory
Topbar UI net This option is only applicable when Custom topbar is set to "no".

This is the logicnet that renders the UI of the topbar. The Application Starter Framework includes a preconfigured topbar, but you can also create and link to a logicnet that renders a specific topbar.
Logicnet Mandatory
Topbar process net This option is only applicable when Custom topbar is set to "no".

This is the name of the logicnet that processes user input selected on the topbar.
Logicnet Optional
Topbar net This option is only applicable when Custom topbar is set to "yes".

This is the name of the logicnet that renders the custom topbar. If you use a custom topbar you must model all functionality for it, including the title, the exit button, and other navigation.
Logicnet Mandatory
Main UI net This is the name of the logicnet that renders the UI of the main section. Logicnet Mandatory
Main process net This is the name of the logicnet that processes user inputs from the main section. Logicnet Optional
Show side When this checkbox is checked the system will display the side panel. Checkbox Optional
Side UI net This is the name of the logicnet that renders and controls the UI of the side panel. Logicnet Optional
Side process net This is the name of the logicnet that processes user inputs from the side panel. Logicnet Optional
Show footer When this checkbox is checked the system will display the footer. Checkbox Optional
Footer UI net This is the name of the logicnet that renders and controls the footer UI. Logicnet Optional
Footer process net This is the name of the logicnet that processes user inputs from the footer. Logicnet Optional
Controller net This is the name of the logicnet that implements the application controller logic. It is in addition to the standard controller logicnet in the Application Starter Framework. Logicnet Optional
Custom CSS This is the name of the custom css file you create to manage the style sheet for your application. Text Optional
Custom JS This is the name of the custom JavaScript file you created for your application. Text Optional
Workflow: data location This is the name of location where the system will store workflow data. The location can be a local SQLite database, a SQL server, or an Oracle database:
- For a SQLite database you must specify the name of the database.
- For a SQL server or Oracle database you must specify the ODBC connection string of the database; for example, odbc:DSN=<>;uid=<>;pwd=<< password >>;
Text Mandatory
Workflow: enable check for task authorizations When this checkbox is checked the system framework will determine if the user is authorized to start a task. Checkbox Optional
Workflow: enable task locking When this checkbox is checked the system framework will lock a task once it is started by a user. The task is then only accessible by that user until the user exits the task. Checkbox Optional
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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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