Using Search in the Designer

  • updated 4 yrs ago

The LogicNets Designer includes an advanced search function that improves efficiency in working on logicnets and projects. This function allows content modelers to navigate directly to and update data items in specific elements in logicnets and across projects. It is especially useful in large logicnets projects with multiple logicnets and a highly structured project-tree.

The search function, located at the bottom of the Designer screen, is text based and can be applied to different elements in LogicNets projects. Through configuration of the search parameters is it possible to set the scope and elements to search for.

The search function helps Designer users to find and select a logicnet in the project tree or to find a particular resource (css, topic, document, layout template). It also allows you to search the data model to find which elements refer to a particular data object.

Search Panel

Users can open the search panel with keyboard short-cut keys CTRL-FF3SHIFT+F3, and they can minimize/collapse the panel by clicking on the cross at the top-right of the panel.


Supported Elements

The search function allows Designer users to search for the following elements across logicnets and projects. The system searches across the following:

  • Project settings with text values matching the search string. 
  • Project items in the project tree with names that match the search string:
    • Logicnets
    • Images, media, documents, tables, topics, .js, or .css files
    • Folders 
  • Nodes with IDs and/or labels matching the search string 
  • Parameters from logicnets, nodes, and parts with text values matching the search string. Note: this also includes rules and database queries. 
  • Text in .js files, .css files, topics, matching the search string

Start/Stop Searching

Users type the search string in the field located in the top section of the search panel and then clicking the search button next to text input. Next to the search button the user can also narrow the search to the current view, the current project, or the workspace. Users can also specify that the search function match the search case.


While performing the search the system will display a progress/wait screen. During this time it is possible to cancel the search.


The search function makes use of indexing to optimize performance, but bigger searches may require slightly more time. For example, searching across a workspace will take longer than searching in a project. Search speed may also be affected by server specifications and network connection speeds.

Search Results

Once a search is completed the system will display the results in the search panel that can be sorted and filtered. It groups results together based on location.


Matches Returned

Each set of search results starts with a summary that lists the the applied search parameters and the number of matches found.


Displayed Results

The system displays the path to the searched-for element.

The results display grid also displays the match itself, with the matching string in bold. When the matching string exceeds 150 characters the system truncates the text and adds ... to the end.


In addition to the path and match, the system displays the match type: parameter, image, document, topic, .js file, .css file, table, folder, or text.

Designers users can collapse or expand each group of search results by clicking the ‘+’ or ‘–‘ buttons on the search results group.


  • In collapsed state, the grid shows the summary listing the applied search parameters and the number of hits. 
  • In expanded state, the grid displays found matches.

The system retains previous search results and displays them in the search panel so they are available to the Designer user, even if the user minimizes the search panel. The user can clear these results by clicking the Clear results button. Search results are session specific, however, and the system clears them once the session is closed. The system also clears the search history if the user performs a new search without clicking the checkbox next to Keep history.


Navigating Search Results

Designer users can navigate through their search results using a mouse and clicking items in the grid. They can also use F3 and SHIFT+ F3 shortcut keys.

  • F3 selects the next search result and SHIFT+ F3 selects the previous result. They will automatically jump the user to the previous or next set of search results when the user is at the end or beginning of the current set of search results.
  • When the search panel is closed F3, or SHIFT+ F3 automatically open the search panel again.

When a user clicks on a search result the system takes them to the location of that result. If the result is in a logicnet, for example, the system will open the logicnet and node where the result is located. The system will also open the appropriate editor. Note: When a user navigates to a search result the system will not automatically save any unsaved changes.

If a user selects a previous search result, it is possible that the element no longer exists or that the searched-for text has been changed.

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