FHIR Support Example Project
Import the example application into your Designer workspace.
There are 2 ways to convert and test/run the example as a FHIRQuestionnaire:
1. Using the FHIRQuestionnaireTestHarness
2. Using the ExportGuidelineAPI
FHIRQuestionnaire Test Harness
The FHIRQuestionnaire test harness is a tool integrated with the Designer. It converts the current Designer project or logicnet to a FHIRQuestionnaire format and starts a test page that runs the converted FHIR Questionnaire.
- Open the Test pane (1) and select the FHirQuestionnaireTestHarness (2). Click Test Project.
- The system opens the test page and renders the FHIR Questionnaire (4).
- The test page has the following additional functions:
- Show the generated questionnaire.
- Show the questionnaire response based on the given answers.
- Toggle button to hide/show “hidden” questionnaire items. These items are typically not shown to end-users but are very useful when you want to debug your application. For example, you can display or hide rule nodes:
You can use the ExportAPI to do the following:
- Query available questionnaires.
- Download an available questionnaire.
- Download a test/demo client.
Follow the instructions below to access the ApiDoc, download a demo client, and download and run the demo FHIRQuestionnaire:
- Import the demo application into your Designer workspace.
- Add the fhirquestionaire tag to the project. This is required for the ExportAPI to determine which packages can be exported.
- Publish the project.
- Create a user that can access the ExportAPI:
- Open AccessManagement.
- Select Users.
- Select New.
- Select Type Server and select Add.
- Copy the Client-id to a temporary notepad or store it in your password manager.
- Select the generated new password and copy it to a temporary notepad or store it in your password manager.
- Select Save.
- Select Groups.
- Select New.
- Enter a group name, such as export-api-users.
- Select Add.
- Add the server user you just created to the group as local user.
- Add the group roles by selecting the ExportGuidelineAPI and selecting the api role. Click Assign and repeat these steps for the testapp role.
- Save the group configuration by selecting Save.
- Your installation provides an online documentation set for the export API that you can access at https://<hostname>/<company>/ApiDoc.
Select ExportGuidelineAPI. - Select Authorize and fill in the client-id and the secret you generated. Select Authorize and Close.
- Download a test/demo application:
- Select testapp (1).
- Select Execute (2).
- Select Try Out.
- Select Download (3).
- Open the downloaded HTML file in your browser, fill in the credentials and press Start.
- Select the published guideline from the list.
- Select Forms.