Form Node

  • updated 3 yrs ago

You use a form to present a form on screen in your application and then wait for the application user to input data or perform an action, such as entering information in a particular field or reading information.


This part has two variants, which are used in the LogicNets "no-framework" installations and StarterApp Frameworks respectively. It is not required in Assessment Framework or other frameworks and is not visible on the toolbar of projects associated with other frameworks. 

During your application's runtime, when the LogicNets engine processes this node, the system displays all user-facing nodes up to that point on screen and pauses the application until the user provides the next input. This can include submitting text or clicking a button, for example.

Form Node in Starter App Framework Projects

Starter Apps can use a wide variety of form part nodes, which display in orange in the Designer. You indicate when the system should present all preceding inputs on screen by placing this form node at the end of a line of form part nodes and any other logic.

Form Node in No Framework projects

When modeling in the standalone or "no framework" project, this node contains all of the user inputs you want to display on the screen at one time. For example, you could create a form where your users can enter their first and last names. 

Editor Options

There are no editor options with the form part when you use it with Starter App frameworks. When you're modeling a project without a framework the part menu provides you access to the different types of available user input. 

Advanced Note

The form node performs the same basic function in both the Starter App and "no framework" models, but there are some differences in the underlying configurations. If you convert a Starter App to a standalone application (or vice versa) you may experience some runtime defects, until you apply the correct form node for the project type.

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