Configure Project

  • updated 4 yrs ago

In your applications you can define user roles on the project configuration pages in the Designer. In the example below the role 'testers' is added to 'My application'.

1. Go to the project overview page and click Modify.

 2. In the Security section, set "Require Authentication" to "Yes" to require users to log in before accessing your application. When you enable authentication the system will display an area where you can create roles.


3. Create the roles that you want to associate with your application. Add a new role by clicking new. Enter the role name and click save.


4. Save the changes to your project settings by clicking save at the top of the screen.

5. Publish your project. You must publish your application to make it visible in the user management function and to allow you to assign roles to your users.

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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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