Web Service APIs

  • updated 3 yrs ago

It is possible to run an assessment protocol using an web service interface. The client of this web service can post a XML document with a set of input data. This data is processed by the selected assessment protocol and the result is sent back in the web service response.

Implementing a Web Service

The web service implementation must start a specific assessment protocol, which is based on the following:

1) The name of the protocol provided in the input XML document.
2) If no protocol name is provided the system queries all install protocols. During this query, LogicNets executes a trigger logicnet, which must be located in the protocol's triggers folder. When this trigger logicnet returns the protocol is selected. The triggers logicnet gets as input the input XML document. When there are more then one protocols are selected the system returns an error to the web service client.


The web service can be accessed using the following URL: 



The following example documents are attached to this topic:

  • Input document: SamplePOSTMessageApplicationRunner.xml
  • Result document: SampleRESPONSEMessageApplicationRunner.xml
  • XSD: ExternalStorageV1.xsd

Testing the Web Service

You can test the web service using any web service client. The following example uses Postman.

  • Start Postman.
  • Change GET to POST (1).
  • Paste the URL https://|host|/|company|/logicnets.lns?verb=start&code=applicationrunnerwebservice (2).
  • Change the body type to raw (3).
  • Paste the content of the SamplePOSTMessageApplicationRunner.xml (4).
  • Click Send (5).
  • Check the body of the response.

An XML message is returned when the URL and the posted data is correct.

The XML message contains four URLs: one for starting the interactive session, one for getting the data after the interactive session, one for getting the state, and one for closing the session. It also contains a sessionkey. This sessionkey is important since this will be used in all further communication between the external client and LogicNets.


The "start" URL is what you can open in the browser. Remember to unescape the XML characters; for example, & should become &.
Example: https://|host|/|company|/logicnets.lns?verb=start&code=ExternalStarter&sessionkey=42344DCC%2D825E%2D2D83%2D0205%2DFB1FA7418FED

You can also pass a redirect_uri as an additional parameter. This URI is called in the browser when the form is saved, submitted, or cancelled or when an error is occurs while opening the form. For example: 

The system opens the assessment in the browser and you can fill in the forms. When you are ready you can save, submit, or cancel the form.

After the form is closed you can use the getdata-url to retrieve the data.

Redirect URL

The redirect URL is called in the browser when the form is saved, submitted, or cancelled or when an error is occurs while opening the form. The following query parameters are added to the URL to report back the status

Parameter Description Example
sessionkey Key of the session of which the form is closed
result Result of the session error | save | submit | cancel | expiredsession
errorcode Error code (see below) 101
message Error message No sessionkey provided

Error Codes

In case an error occurs, the redirect URL or the Web API response body returns the error code and message.

Action Error Code Message Description
- 100 No action specified Missing action parameter in url
start interactive form
101 No sessionkey provided Missing sessionkey parameters in URL
102 Provided session (<sessionkey>) not found Session not found (e.g. invalid session key provided, session has been cleaned after reinstall)
start interactive form
103 Session state is incorrect (<error>) Invalid session transition
postdata 105 XML XSD validation failed: <errors> and <warnings> Provided document is not valid
postdata 106 Specified package (<package name>) is not available Provided package is not installed or active
postdata 110 More than 1 triggered package found (<package names>)  
start interactive form 111 Invalid URL An invalid URL has been provided to startup the interactive form

Other Scenarios

When they system detects a timeout it calls the redirect URI with the 'expiredsession' result.

When the user closes the browser or powers down his/her machine, the session remains in the same state. The same start-url can be used to restart the interactive form.

Re-open the start-url that is already opened by using the same session key to launch another instance of the same session. The system expires the previously running session.

State Diagram

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