Email from the LogicNets Cloud

  • updated 7 mths ago


You can use email functionality when your application is hosted by LogicNets. The LogicNets Cloud uses Amazon AWS Cloud and implements functionality to ensure that email sent from the LogicNets Cloud is not treated as SPAM.

Amazon SES

In the default setup LogicNets uses the Amazon SES mail service (https://aws.amazon.com/ses/) to relay all email traffic. The LogicNets Cloud uses Amazon SES to implement anti-SPAM functionality like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC. To allow Amazon SES to implement these you must make changes to your DNS for the following reasons: 

  1. Amazon wants to ensure that the sender's domain (the from address) is verified by the DNS owner, because this means Amazon will not be blacklisted by anti-spam organizations.
  2. DKIM requires changes in the DNS to store the public keys; Amazon uses these private keys to sign the mails.
  3. The DNS entry must specify the DMARC settings (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/easy-dkim.html).
  4. The Amazon server's SPF needs to be listed as valid mail server for sending email (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide/spf.html).

This setup allows you to use multiple mail addresses as from addresses from your domain when your domain is fully verified by Amazon SES.

Central Mail Server

If you have a subscription to a dedicated LogicNets hosted environment you also have a second option, which is that LogicNets relays all email traffic from your hosted environment to your central mail server. The advantage of this setup is that the system uses the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC configuration of your central mail server and you do not need to make changes to your DNS records.

In this setup, all recipients thinks that the mails are sent from your trusted central mail server. The communication between the LogicNets local mail server and your central mail server uses the SMTP protocol, which is the same protocol people use at home to send mails through their internet service provider. Your central mail server needs to setup an email account and password, which the LogicNets mail server uses as credentials in the SMTP protocol.

Depending on your central mail server this setup only allows you to use one from mail address.

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