Convert Text to Date

  • updated 4 yrs ago


This part allows application users to convert text entered by an end-user to a date format for use by the application.


This part can be used to convert text to a date, which is useful in cases where a date will be used for calculations. The user can select a date from a dropdown menu or enter a customized date format using the standard masks for day, month, etc. in a text field and the system can convert the text using that format.

Editor Fields

Field Name




Data object

This is the name of the data object once it has been converted a date.

Data Object



This is the name of the data object that contains the text to convert.

Data Object


Custom date format

Check this box to customize the date format converter below.
Use any of the below with separators existing in your custom date input
e.g. YY=MM=DD : hh-mm:ss would translate 20=10=15 08-15:20 to 20201015.081520 (15th October 2020, 815am and 20 seconds) 

Checked | Unchecked


Date format

This is the format of the date once the text has been converted to date format.

MM = month (01)
DD = day (24)
YY = year (17)
YYYY = year (2017)
hh = hour (13)
mm = minute(05)
ss = second (14)

If hhmmss are excluded the text is converted to date as 20172401.000000

Note that currently the part does not support the use of optional characters, e.g.  %D to cover both the 5th and 15th day, for example. Days (and months) must be pre-formatted in the source document to be 2 digits, e.g. 05/08 for May 8th) 

MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss | DD/MM/YYYY hh:mm:ss

| custom string 


Cutoff year for century 

(v7.4 on)  

When using custom formats, the system will interpret YY to be prior century before this cutoff and current century after. 
Example entries:
YY=17 is converted to 2017
YY=87 is converted to 1987

Number between 0 and 99

(default  49)



For an example of the Convert Text to Date part, download and import the following sample project in your workspace

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