Feedback Portal Configuration

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The following information details how to create a feedback portal application and set the configuration options.

Create Feedback Project

To create a feedback portal application, click on your Designer project menu and create a new project.

  1. With the name of your new project highlighted, click the Modify button.
  2. In the General section, go to Type and select based on framework from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select FeedbackPortal from the Framework dropdown menu.
  4. Click Save to save your updates.

Feedback Categories

The system provides default feedback categories:

  • Bug/Defect
  • Content Correction
  • General Inquiry
  • Improvement/Suggestion.

However, you can configure your project to use other categories instead.

  1. Click the name of your project and click the Modify button.
  2. Go to the Framework tab.
  3. In the Categories section, enter the number 1 under Id and enter the name of the category you want to add in the Category field.
  4. Click the add button.
  5. To enter the next category, enter the number 2 under Id and enter the second category in the Category field.
  6. Click the add button.
  7. Continue this until you have added each of the categories you want to use.
  8. Click save to save your changes.

Feedback Priority

As with categories, the system includes default feedback priority levels:

  • Blocker
  • Severe
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

However, you can configure your project to use other priority levels instead. To do this, click the name of your project and click the Modify button.

  1. Go to the Framework tab.
  2. In the Priority section, enter the number 1 under Id. Enter the name of the priority in the Priority field, and enter a description of that priority level in the Description field.
  3. Click the add button.
  4. To enter the next priority, enter the number 2 under Id. Enter the name of the priority in the Priority field, and enter a description of that priority level in the Description field.
  5. Click the add button.
  6. Continue this until you have added each of the priorities you want to use.
  7. Click save to save your changes.

Feedback Status

The system defines certain default feedback statuses:

  • Opened
  • Assigned
  • Developing
  • In Testing
  • Postponed
  • Staging
  • Completed
  • Released
  • Cancelled

As with Category and Priority you can configure your project to use other status levels instead.

  1. Click the name of your project and click the Modify button.
  2. Go to the Framework tab.
  3. In the Status section, enter the number 1 under Id. Enter the name of the status in the Status field.
  4. Click the add button.
  5. To enter the next status, enter the number 2 under Id. Enter the name of the status in the Status field.
  6. Click the add button.
  7. Continue this until you have added each of the statuses you want to use.
  8. Click save to save your changes.


Add Feedback

If you want to allow your users to add new feedback using the portal, go your project's Framework tab and select Yes from the dropdown menu next to Add new feedback. Select No if you do not want your users to have this option.

Allow Open Session

The system allows you to configure your feedback portal so users can open a session from the portal using the session information saved as part of the feedback. To configure your feedback portal to do this, go to the Framework tab and select Yes from the dropdown menu next to Allow open session.


If you set the value of this option to Yes the system displays to your portal users an open button in the details popup window.

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