FeedbackAPI Framework

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The FeedbackAPI Framework enables you to create an external installation that can send feedback to a central server. You can use this framework in conjunction with the Feedback Portal Framework, where you can view submitted feedback.

Create Your Application

You use the FeedbackAPI framework to send feedback from an application to a server, where the data is stored. This framework uses one endpoint, which is 'send'. When this endpoint is invoked, the system saves this information in the project_feedback table on the server.

The steps below allow you to create a sample FeedbackAPI to show you how your feedback API might work. The data captured for this example is static, and we recommend you work with LogicNets to create a more customized system.

  1. In your Designer account, click on the icon to create a new project.
  2. Enter the name of your project and click Create.

  3. Select based on framework from the Type dropdown menu.
  4. Select FeedbackAPI from the Framework dropdown menu and click Create.

Sending Feedback

LogicNets sends feedback using a URL that consists of three parts: the host name, the startcode of your published FeedbackAPI application, and the word "send":

https://<host name>/<start code of the feedback api package>/send


When the system receives feedback, it can send a confirmation email to the user who submitted it. The system can also send a notification email to the user whose email is configured in the configuration settings. To configure these emails, click on your project folder in the project list. Click the Framework tab for your project.

  • Send to email: The email address to whom the system should send an email when a feedback is submitted.
  • Send from email: The email address that appears in the From line when the system sends the feedback.

Test Your Application

You can test this sample API from your Designer account. To test your project, click on your project folder and then click the Test button.

For your test, enter the following selections in the test screen:

Click Submit request. Note: Depending on the size of your screen, you may need to scroll the top portion of the page to see the submit button. Once you submit your feedback, the system will display the test status code and output at the section on the bottom of the screen.

You can configure your application to send the feedback wherever you want, however, LogicNets also provides the Feedback Portal Framework, which allows you to create a portal in which you can view submitted feedback.


To see the feedback you sent in the test setup above, create a test of the Feedback Portal by doing the following:

  1. In your Designer account, click on the icon to create a new project.
  2. Enter the name of your project and click Create.

  3. Select based on framework from the Type dropdown menu.
  4. Select FeedbackPortal from the Framework dropdown menu and click Create.
  5. From your project's main menu, click Test.

The system displays the data you entered.

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