Logicnet Data Viewer

  • updated 3 yrs ago

As you build and test your application you can view the data contained in your session. This logicnet Data Viewer allows you to see the data that has built up as you test your logicnet or application, and this can help you verify and troubleshoot.

As of v7.4, LogicNets has enhanced this Data Viewer with a filter for system data objects, which are those data objects generated by the platform application frameworks. By default, the system filters out system data objects so you can focus on the data objects generated by your application. You can also click the checkbox next to the Show system data option to see the system data as well.


Additionally, LogicNets improved the layout of the Data Viewer to include type icons for the data objects. 

Icon Meaning
T This is a text object.
</> This is HTML text.
{} This is a container data object.
[] This is a collection.
123 Data with this symbol is a number.
B This is a Boolean object.

Using the Filter

The filter lists the "active" variables from your model in alphabetical, non-case-sensitive order; for example, 'A' comes after 'a' and before 'b'. If the user has not input a value into a form node or the variable in a process step has not been calculated yet the system will not display it in  the list.

  • Enter any text string to retrieve the data objects that contain the specified text. For example, if you enter the text string "day" the system displays the full path of any variables containing "day" you specified in the model, including such items as birthday, day_of_week, time_of_day, daydreamer, student.days_late, or current_year.current_week.friday_date. 
  • The filter is case sensitive, so if you entered "Day" the system would not return the data object names listed above, but it would return First_Day_Of_Month.
  • The format icons (T, 123, []) and the record numbers in collections (#1, #2…) are not searchable. 

To reset the filter, clear the contents of the filter and click the Return button.

Searching for Inputs

Sometimes, you can't remember the name of the variable but you DO know you answered the question with the word "red". You can find the variable by using the browser text filter (Ctrl + F). Type the case-insensitive text in the input box and the browser displays how many occurrences are present on screen. Use the Up/Down arrows to find the next/previous matching entry.

Note: The browser search results count includes any occurrences in the Data Viewer as well as text that is found on the application UI, which is greyed out behind the popup.

  • You can search for any text using the browser search function, including T, 123, and other format icons as well as specific records in a collection (#1).
  • To find a variable whose path begins with "product" (and exclude all variables like product_name, product_cost) search for "[product". Including '[' limits the search to containers only.
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