Introduction to Shared Workspaces

  • updated 5 mths ago

Available in v8.1+, Shared Workspaces is a platform component that allows for secure collaboration between multiple Designer users or groups of modelers, each working with their own content. It gives you the ability to efficiently share and jointly develop, manage, and deploy applications between workspaces. 

The Shared Workspaces function provides versioning capabilities at the project level. With it, you can set up one or more virtual content workspaces from which you can securely share projects with other internal or external users you invite for collaboration or joint access. Sharing provides read-only or read/write access to content, and the system combines versioning with a check-in/check-out capability that protects content integrity during multi-user collaboration.

Shared workspaces allow specific users to load content into a dedicated workspace accessible by others within or outside of the same LogicNets installation. Content accessible from the shared space can be made available as read-only, or content can be shared subject to version control so users can securely collaborate on content. 

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