
  • updated 4 yrs ago



Data Object

An item that names a particular piece of data and/or information. For example, if you want to ask a user to enter his or her name, firstname is a data object and lastname is a data object.


The tools in LogicNets through which you edit or update steps, logicnets, projects, and resources. Each step type has its own editor, which gives you access to the actions your application can take using that step.


A framework is the backbone of an application. It is the group of logicnets, data tables, and resources that LogicNets created to run your content. A framework does all the work of displaying your content and collecting and saving data and allows you to focus on modeling your expertise in logicnets. Each framework has been created to perform specialized functions.


If you have a lot of data objects, you may want to keep certain items together by "grouping" them. For example, if you are asking someone for their name and address as well as the name and address of their manager you might have a group called customer_information with firstnamelastname, and address data objects and you might also have a group called manager_information with firstnamelastname, and address data objects. To set the name of a group, you enter the group name first when you name your data object, then enter a period, then enter the name of your data object; for example, customer_information.firstname.


The online application/software used to build, publish, and maintain applications.


A logicnet is a series of steps that you combine to create a logical progression of actions for performing a particular task or procedure. Each step in a logicnet represents a distinct set of instructions the logicnet will carry out as part of the overall application or process. An application can consist of one logicnet or it can be made of multiple logicnets that you link together.


The individual building block you use to create a logicnet. We also call this a step.

Form Node

This is a user-facing step in your application that contains text, images, and other items the user sees. Used to present information to or retrieve input from a user.

Process Node

This is a system-facing step in your application that contains actions the system performs. Used for processes and operations not visible to the user.


A collection of one or more logicnets and all the associated images, documents, and data that you combine to create a custom application or program.


The process of translating your project into a working application or program for others to use.


Images, databases, documentation, and other information that you can link to or access from your logicnets.


The individual or group authorized to access and use your working application.

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