Debug Logging

  • updated 3 yrs ago


LogicNets offers logging options for use in troubleshooting, and LogicNets can also offer some assistance with log review in some cases. By default, logging is disabled on a production system. The following sections explain how to enable logging and how to retrieve the files from Windows and Linux-systems.

Enable Logging

Use the following steps to enable debug logging. The updated configuration will be active for all LogicNets sessions started after the change. It will not affect existing sessions.

  1. Open the LogicNets configuration file in a text editor, such as Notepad. The configuration file is is located in the following location:
    • Releases prior to version 7.3.2: <installation>/system/lib/sys/settings.cfg
    • Release version 7.3.2 or later: <installation>/dat/settings.cfg
  2. Search for the setting called LNLOG_PROFILE_DEFAULT.
  3. Change the value to DEBUG.
  4. Save the configuration file.

View Logging on a Windows Machine

The logging on a Windows machine is not saved in log files, but files can be accessed via an external tool by using the following steps.

  1. Download and install DebugView from SysInternalshttps://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/debugview.aspx.
  2. Start the DebugView application in administrator mode.
  3. Ensure that Global Win32 events are logged by clicking the Capture Menu. Check Capture Global Win32.
  4. Use the LogicNets application.
  5. Save the log to a file.
  6. Send the log file to LogicNets.

View Logging on a Linux Machine

The system saves logging on a Linux machine in three different files. For help with troubleshooting, please send all three files to LogicNets.

  • /etc/httpd/logs/error_log
  • /tmp/lua.log
  • /tmp/logicnets.log


Note: RHEL Apache can make use of the “private-tmp”-feature. Depending on your RHEL setup the log files may be located somewhere else, but typical locations include the following:

  1. /tmp/systemd-private-XXXXXXXXXXX-httpd.service-XXXXX/tmp
  2. /var/tmp/systemd-private-XXXXXXXXXXX-httpd.service-XXXXX/tmp
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