Create (First) Admin User

  • updated 4 yrs ago

By default, a new company created from command line does not have any users configured. The first user must be created from the command line by a system administrator. Any subsequent user can be created by an authorized admin user via the browser based Access-Management Tool.

System administrators can create (first) admin user in an existing LogicNets installation using the following steps. If the company already has a

  1. Open a system command prompt.
  2. Type cd /system/scripts.
  3. Type adduser
  4. Fill in all user details
  5. By default, no default applications and tools are assigned to the admin user. This step will assign all default components to all admins in all local companies
    • Go to the components folder in the unzipped LogicNets installation package and run assign_default_components
  6. Open internet browser.
  7. Enter URL: http:///<company/logicnets.lns?verb=start&code=logon.
  8. Check if the logon page is displayed.
  9. Login with the new user credentials
  10. Check whether all default system components can be accessed
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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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