Call a Generic Webservice

  • updated 8 mths ago


The call webservice part allows you to enable your logicnet-based application to perform a web service call and retrieve a response.


The call webservice part is located in the App Dev dropdown menu in a process node. When you select the part, enter the connection information for the webservice to which to connect. The system can store the response in the application context.

Editor Fields

Field Name Description Type/Options Optional/Mandatory 
Result code path This is the path of the data object in which the result code will be saved. Data Object Mandatory
Response type With this option it can be defined if the response is presented as a downloadable file or to a data object. Data Object | File Mandatory
Filename The name of the file to download if the [Response type] is set to file. Text Optional
Response path This is the path of the data object in which the response will be saved. Data Object Mandatory
Trace full request and response Check this box to have the full request and response data output to debug tracing (only traced if debug tracing is enabled). Checkbox Mandatory
Host This is the hostname of the web service to which to connect. Text Mandatory
Port This is the port number of the web service to which to connect. Text Mandatory
Type This is the connection type. HTTP | HTTPS Mandatory
Minimum TLS version Specifies the minimal TLS version to accept on an HTTPS connection. v1.2 | v1.1 | v1.0 Optional
Maximum TLS version Specifies the maximum TLS version to accept on an HTTPS connection. v1.2 | v1.1 | v1.0 Optional
Method This is the call method associated with the particular web service. GET | POST Mandatory
Path This is the path of the web service call. Text Optional
Content type This is the content type for the web service call. Text Optional
Charset This is the character set for the web service call. Text Optional
Soap action This is the SOAP soap action of the web service call. Text Optional
Http version This is the version of the HTTP for the web service call. Text Optional
Maximum redirects This is the maximum number of redirects the system should allow for the web service call. Number Optional
Custom headers This is where the user enters any customized headers the system should add to the web service call. Collection Optional
Request This field is only required when the method is set to "POST". It is the request that the system should send. Text Optional
Use certificate This field is only available when the type is "HTTPS". It tells the system to verify certificates (see article Certificate verification for more information) provided by the remote end point. This option must also be checked when a client certificate needs to be passed for authentication. Checkbox Optional
Server certificate path This field is only available when the "Use certificate" checkbox is checked. It is the file path for the local certificate store containing all valid server certificates. The certificate provided by the remote end point is validated against the certificate(s) in the configured file. This file needs to contain all the certificates in the certificate chain used by the presented remote end's certificate.

When this field is left empty, the default certificate store is used (see article Certificate verification for more information).
Text Optional
Client authentication This field is only available when the "Use certificate" checkbox is checked. It tells the system to enable or disable client authentication. Checkbox Optional
Client public certificate path This field is only required when the "Use certificate" checkbox is checked. It is the file path of the public client certificate. Text Optional
Client private key path This field is only required when the "Use certificate" checkbox is checked. It is the file path of the client's private certificate key. Text Optional
Verify hostname This field is only available when the "Use certificate" checkbox is checked. It it tells the system to enable or disable hostname verification. Checkbox Optional
Hostname This field is only required when the "Verify hostname" is checked. It is the hostname to be verified.
Note: when the server certificate path is not set, then hostname verification is also disabled.
Text Optional
Asynchronously Yes: Call the webservice asynchronously.
No: Call the webservice synchronously.
Yes | No Mandatory
Worker-handle This is only required when "Asynchronously" is set to "Yes". It is the name of the worker handle to handle the asynchronous web service call. Text Optional
Authorization None: Do not use authorization.
Basic: Use authorization by username and password.
Bearer - pass-on token from external access provider: The access token, stored in the user-profile, obtained from the authentication with an external access provider. 
Bearer - generated token from user profile:
local generated token from user profile. 
: Specify any other authorization protocol.
None | Basic | Custom Text Optional
Username This is only required when "Authorization" is set to "Basic". It is the username required for authorizing the connection. Text Optional
Password This is only required when "Authorization" is set to "Basic". It is the password required for authorizing the connection. Text Optional
Ignore outbound whitelisting
(Release 8.1+)
Calls to other domains must normally be whitelisted by your administrator (see Outbound API Security) or  the system configuration can be ignored by enabling this option. On | Off Optional

Error Messages

Error Message Description
Unknown connect error The host can be reached, but the socket on the server is not opened for receiving a connection.
Cannot connect The server hostname is not correctly configured if HTTPS is used.
Host not found The server hostname is not correctly configured if HTTP is used.
Error initializing locations The path to HTTPS server certificate is not valid or the certificates in that configured path are not valid.
Unable to get local issuer certificate The server certificate cannot be validated. Please check whether all certificates in the server certificate chain are saved in the configured certificate file.
Could not set client certificate key The configured client certificate private key is corrupt or the private key does not belong to the configured client certificate.
Failed to set client certificate The configured client certificate is corrupt.
HTTP Error 401.2 - Unauthorized You are not authorized to view this page due to invalid authentication headers. This could be caused because an invalid client certificate was used.
HTTP Error 403.16 - Forbidden Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid.
HTTP Error 403.17 - Forbidden Your client certificate has expired or is not yet valid.
Failed to Connect; error=5; verification result code=0; description=ok The configured TLS version is incorrect; for example, TLS 1.0 is configured but you are connecting to a webservice that accepts only TLS 1.2.

Extended Error Logging

It is possible to enable extended error logging for web services when you have access to your LogicNets runtime installation/server access.

  1. Open or create a configuration file, for example, c:\logicnets\dat\bnt\yourcompany\settings.cfg.
  2. Add a setting called 'log_webservice_calls' in the "_session" section. Assign value = 1.
    _session = {
        log_webservice_calls = 1
  3. Run your application.
  4. Check the log files in c:\logicnets\dat\log\.
    host: test
    port: 8080
    TLS version: 1.2
    Connection type: HTTP
    server validation certificate file: nil
    client identification certificate file: nil
    client identification private key file: nil
    ------------------- Full request -------------------
    POST /examplecall HTTP/1.1
    Host: test
    Content-type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
    Content-length: 0
    SOAPAction: "Action"
    ------------------- End -------------------
    >> Starting call
    Error: "cannot connect: host not found"
    ------------------- Response -------------------
    ------------------- End -------------------


For several examples of using the call webservice part, download the following sample project in your workspace.

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