Add Answer to Change Log

  • updated 3 mths ago


The Add Answer to Change Log part will post a customizable key, value and other information to the changelog table during application runtime in preparation and for use with the Standard Reporting Package session log tables and any advanced or client-specific reporting.

Use this part to add your own logging information at any key point in the execution of your business logic model. You can flag any event, such as an action or an add,  delete or close process for any number of different "keys" and their corresponding "value" (along with any meta data) every time the logging part is traversed by the LogicNets runtime engine.

Typical usage of this part could be:

  • to supplement the application logging that is standard within the LogicNets platform (see Logging Events in LogicNets article for more information)
  • to log business information (e.g. type of transaction, summary numeric calculations, department, machine, serial number, etc.) with a view to analysis downstream on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis

This part is accessible from the Misc menu in a process node in all frameworks


Editor Fields

Field Name





Choose the type of action that you want to log. Action is a separate column in the changelog table and can be used to sort or filter results.

Update actions are only logged on a change in the value of the targeted variable as specified in the value field within a session,

Event |
Update |
Delete |



Enter the name of the key associated with this logging event. 

Keys are typically organized in a structured data string separated by a period (.).
Existing structures (that can be adopted by these custom events) include the following. There is no theoretical limit to the number of levels, but keys should be kept short and succint for ease of reading and downstream analysis.

  • session.[key_name]
  • authentication.[key_name]
  • application.[key_name]
  • runtime.[key_name]




Enter a value (or reference in $(...) format) to store against the key.




Include the name of the database from which the value is sourced, if required.
Default is to leave this field blank.



Referenced Meta Data

Include any collection of meta data associated with the event here. This will be reported in the meta data column of the changelog.



Manual Meta Data

Add individual additional key/value pairs in this grid as required.  This will be incorporated into the meta data column of the changelog.




Testing Custom Logs

All logging events are added to the changelog.db which can be viewed realtime in the Standard Reporting package.

Choose Logs from the dropdown list of reports to see all the automatic logging events, and verify your custom logging is added at the right time with the right information.

The Standard Reporting package view of logs can be filtered, sorted and tailored to show you the most pertinent information. 

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