Package Installer

  • updated 8 mths ago


The Package Installer is a package management tool that centralizes your ability to manage published packages. It allows those users with access to view and manage all packages that are available on a LogicNets installation, and you can use it to install install new packages and make them available to users. It also allows you to create new start codes for an application as well as active or deactivate packages.


When you create applications using LogicNets you publish them to create packages. If you are managing packages centrally, you can export a published package from any LogicNets Designer account and use the Package Installer application to install it and make it available to users. The Package Installer is located on your LogicNets dashboard.

When you open the Package Installer you see that the screen is divided into different sections: Categories, Packages, and Start Codes.


The top section of the page displays a list package categories available on that installation of LogicNets and their scope if they have one. These are the categories into which the packages are divided. The category is the name of your project. So, for example, you could have How To Build a House v1How to Build a House v2, and How to Build a House v3 and all three would be in the category How to Build a House.

List of Packages

When you click on a category, the Packages section displays the published packages associated with the selected category. In this section of the screen you can activate, deactivate, or uninstall a package.

Some published packages can be configured to allow an administrative user to start a package in admin mode. If you have administrative privileges and there are packages that allow administrators to open a package in admin mode you will see that option.

Start Code

The Start Code section displays the start codes associated with a selected package. In this section you can add, delete, activate, or deactivate a start code.


Some companies use tags to more specifically manage their applications. For those users, the Tag tab in the Start Codes section displays all tags associated with a selected package.

Install Package

To manage your packages, start codes, and tags you must first install a package.

  1. To install a package click the Install Packages button at the top-right of the screen.

     When you click this button the system displays a popup window where the user can chose a package to be installed.
  2. Click Choose Files and select the package you want to install, which can be any published LogicNets package.

  3. Once you have selected the zip file of the package you want to install, click the Install button.

     The system will display any errors encountered while trying to install a package. Otherwise, it will display the following popup message.
  4. Click Ok to complete the installation.

Activate a Package

Once you have installed a package, you can activate it so users can access it.

  1. Select the name of your package or the category it is in from the Category list. Your package or the packages that are in the selected category display in the Packages section of the page.

  2. Click the checkbox next to the package you want to activate and click the Activate button.
  3. Once you have activated your package you can enter a start code for it. Go to the Start Codes section of the page and click Add new.

  4. Enter the start code in the Startcode field and click Save.

  5. To see any other start codes associated with your project, click the checkbox next to your project in the Packages area of the installer.
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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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