Get Current Package

  • updated 3 yrs ago


With this part, the system retrieves the name of the current package (the name of package of the net from which this part is called) or the name of the package of the provided logicnet name. When in a session where multiple packages are used (frameworks, libraries) this name can be stored as a variable and used in call nodes as database/source parameter.

Editor Fields

Configure this part with the following fields:

Field Name Description/Use Type/Option Optional/Mandatory
Data-Object This is the location in the context where the system stores the package name. Text Mandatory
Net name If a full net-name is provided (e.g. mypackage@mynetname) this part returns the package name of that net (e.g. mypackage) is the current package name. Text Optional
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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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