External Workspace Management - Open LDE Flow

  • updated 3 yrs ago


You can start the LDE using a browser and the following URL:


Property Description Example
hostname The hostname or IP address of the server where the LogicNets Design Environment is installed. www.logicnets.com
company The name of the company installation examplecompany
DMS-session-id ID generated by the DMS which is used by the LDE to load and save projects 12345
DMS-hostname The hostname or IP address of the DMS REST service dms.company.com
DMS-port The port-number of the DMS REST service 8080

LDE Configuration

The DMS may require HTTPS and certificates to allow access to the REST service. These settings can be made through the LogicNets configuration. This is explained in IIS Configuration for Client Certificate Mapping

DMS GetProject Web Method

The purpose of this web method is to return the main LogicNet project and all dependent LogicNet projects to the LDE based on the DMS session ID.


The relative base URL of the web method is /LogicNetsProject/Get?sessionid=<DMS-session-id>

Method: GET

Property Description Example
DMS-session-id ID passed in the Start LDE URL 12345


Successful response is a JSON object structured as below.

Property Type Description Example
mainProject Project JSON object Main LogicNets project See below
dependencyProjects Array of Project JSON objects Dependent Projects See below

Project JSON Object

Property Type Description Example
id string DMS assigned ID for the project  
dataZip Base64-encoded binary zip (optional) Byte stream of the zip file or null.

Zip file includes the project files for one LogicNets project.

Null for new projects.
isReadOnly Boolean (optional) True indicates that project should be opened in read-only mode.

False indicates that project should be opened in edit mode.

Default value is false.
metaXml String (optional) Meta-XML of project  


Example Response JSON Object for Existing Project 

"isReadOnly": false,
"metaXml" : “….”
"isReadOnly": true


Example Response JSON Object for Project 

"isReadOnly": false,
"metaXml" : []
"isReadOnly": true,
"metaXml" : []


HTTP Status Codes

Status Code Status Text Description
200 Success Request is successful and data is returned.
403 Forbidden Authentication failed.
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected server errors

DMS SaveProject Web Method 

The purpose of this web method is to save the main LogicNets project into the DMS. 


The relative base URL of the web method is /LogicNetsProject/Save?sessionid=<DMS-session-id>

Method: POST 

Property Description
DMS-session-id ID passed in the Start LDE URL
Body JSON object with project that needs to be saved



Property Type Description
dataZip Base64-encoded binary zip Byte stream of the zip file

Zip file includes the project files for one LogicNets project.
sessionId String DMS Session ID passed in the Start LDE URL
metaXml String Meta-XML of project



The DMS must respond on the request with an HTTP status code.

Status Code Status Text Description
200 Success Request is successful and data is saved
403 Forbidden Authentication failed.
500 Internal Server Error Unexpected server errors
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