Create New User (BETA)

  • updated 1 mth ago


The authentication_create_new_user part allows you to create a new, registered user for the company. You can use this part to create new users dynamically in LogicNets.

NOTE: This part is currently in the Beta phase. You can only use this part if your company has enhanced privileges or a system package.

Node Type: This part is located in process nodes in the Users dropdown menu.

Used With: You can use this part with standalone and framework-based applications.

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Email This is the user's email address. Text Mandatory

If Type is "server", this field is optional.
Phone This is the user's phone number. Text Optional
Firstname This is the user's first name. Text Optional
Middlename This is the user's middle name. Text Optional
Lastname This is the user's last name. Text Optional
Company This is the user's company. Text Optional
GUID This is the user's identifier id. Text Optional
Type This is the user type. Text Optional
Status This is the user's account status. Text Optional
Days until password expires This is the number of days until the user's password expires. Text Optional
Account expiry date This is the date on which the user's account expires. Text Optional
URL This is the URL associated with this user. Text Optional
Groups This is the groups to which the user is assigned. Data Object Optional
Scopes You use this field to define the user's rights within the category to which the user is added; for example, category AccessManagement and scope admin. Data Object pointed to a collection Optional, category.AccessManagement.admin
Password type RS256 | (empty) Text Optional
Set initial password This checkbox identifies if you want to create the user entry with an initial password. Checkbox

Default: off
Initial password This field contains the initial password for the account.

The system only displays this field when you select Set initial password.
Text Optional
Save temporarily password path This is the path to which the temporarily made password will be output. This will only happen if you do not already have an initial password set.

The system only displays this field when you select Set initial password.
Text Optional
Result message The result message will contain either ‘added’, if the user was added correctly, or it will contain the database error. Data Object Optional
Result user-id This is a unique id under which the user is registered. It corresponds to the id column in the database. Data Object Optional
Result user-login This returns the email under which the user is registered. Data Object Optional
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