KC Free Text Search (BETA)

  • updated 3 mths ago


The freetextsearch part allows you to search a Knowledge Center, for example, allowing your application users to look for all occurrences of a search term in the application's Knowledge Center. When a user types text into a text-input part, the system can use this data as a search term for the free-text search. The free-text search returns a list of articles in which a match is found for the search term.

NOTE: This part is currently in the Beta phase. You can only use this part if your company has enhanced privileges or a system package.

Node Type: This part is located in process nodes in the Misc dropdown menu.

Used With: You can use this part with standalone and framework-based applications.

Editor Fields

Basic Tab Options

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Database This is the name of the database in which you want to search. The system defaults this field to knowledgecenter. Text Mandatory
Root folder name This is the root folder, or primary folder, in the Knowledge Center in which you want to search for resources. Text Optional
Folder name This is the folder in which the system searches. The system will search through all subfolders in this folder. If you do not enter a value in this field, the system uses the root folder as the starting point for the search. Text Optional
Language This is the language of the topics through which the system searches if the application uses Multi-Language Support (MLS) functionality Text Optional
Selected item path This is the container that stores the result of the search. It will contain the article ID, name, folder, and ext_id of the topics in which the search term exists. Text Optional
Search term This is the term for which the system will search.
- "[search phrase]" returns results where there is an exact match on the search phrase entered in quotes
- [word1 word2] returns results where word 1 AND word 2 occur in the article, but not necessarily together or in that order.
Text Optional
Result snippet length (max 64 words) This is the maximum number of words the system will display as a search result snippet. The maximum length is 64 and the default is 64. Number Optional
Results count path This is the length of the selected item paths collection. Text Optional
Result as file id If you click this checkbox, the system returns the result as a file id instead of an item id.

Default: off
Checkbox Optional
Include topic tags 1 | 0

If you select "1", the system also uses the search term to match on topic tags associated with any article in the Knowledge Center.
Dropdown Optional
On click action This allows you to set a custom action the system follows when a user clicks on a search result. Text Optional

Style Tab Options

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
No results message This is text the system displays if no results are returned. Text Optional
Search folder message After displaying the search results, the system displays the folders in which it searched.

Default: Searched in folder
Text Optional

Example Project

Download and import the KC Search Example Project into your Designer.

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  • 3 mths agoLast active
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