Get Parts Definitions (BETA)

  • updated 4 mths ago


The get_parts_definitions part is an advanced part you can use to retrieve a container of all the elements of a node. It is used with a specialized logic construction called a "decorator" that can add UI and logic in front of or at the end of a section of logic.

The system stores the result in the specified data object as a collection, and you should use an index to access the desired part (1-based).

NOTE: This part is currently in Beta mode. It is located in the App Dev parts submenu in the Designer Part Editor.

Used With: This part requires the params structure provided through the decorator construction. Talk to your LogicNets Representative for more information about this feature.

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Part(s) Data-object The retrieved parts definitions will be stored in the provided variable name (allowing interpolation of the name).

If the system cannot retrieve the parts definitions, this object is set to nil.
Data Object Mandatory
Apply part default/overrides After getting the parts definitions, apply all (specific) part defaults and (specific) part overrides. On | off Optional
Apply options conditions/rules Apply configured rules at the option level On | off Optional
Add reference to node in all parts When checked, each part structure will also get a field '_' that will contain the following structure:
_ = {    node_id = node_id,
         net_id = net_id,
         db = called_db,
         node = *reference to the node properties }
On | off Optional
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