Copy/Paste To and From Options (radio, checklist) and Generic Tables

  • updated 6 mths ago


With LogicNets v8.1+ it is possible to copy and paste elements of the LogicNets generic table, which is used in the LogicNets Designer to help model logic. You can copy and paste elements within the same table to another generic table or to a table in Excel. You can also copy elements from a table across different workspaces and browsers and paste them into LogicNets-based tables.

Node Type: The generic table copy-paste function is available in the generic table located in radio, dropdown, and checklists nodes. It is also available in the generic table used in the Designer's basic and advanced tabs.


In the Designer, you can use the following keyboard controls for the copy-paste function in generic tables: 

Control Function
Ctrl + C Copy the element to your clipboard.
Ctrl + V Paste from your clipboard the last element you copied.
Ctrl + D Duplicate a generic table row. This does not add the row to the clipboard, but it duplicates it.

In a generic table, select a row by clicking on the first cell of the row. 

Select the generic table by clicking on the top-left cell of the table.

Select a table cell by clicking on the cell itself. When you click on the text-input field, the default behavior for that cell occurs.

You can select a cell by clicking on the cell itself. When you copy a cell, the system also copies the structure behind the cell; for example, the system copies the condition/rule associated with the cell.

When You Copy This Happens
A row when you selected the row The system inserts the copied row below the currently selected row.
A row when you selected a table The system inserts the copied row as last item of the currently selected table.
A cell when you selected a cell The system overwrites the current cell with the copied cell if the current cell is the same type as the copied cell; for example, a ‘caption’ cell is overwritten by a ‘caption’ but not by a rule cell.
A cell when you selected a row The system inserts the copied cell in a new row below the currently selected row.
A cell when you selected a table The system inserts the copied cell into a new row as the last item of the currently selected table.
A table when you selected a table The system overwrites the selected table with the table copied into the clipboard.
A table when you selected a row The system copies the table in rows below the selected row.

Excel Functionality

You can copy-paste an Excel table directly into a generic table in a LogicNets part that uses them, and you can copy a generic table from LogicNets to Excel. When you copy a generic table row to Excel, the system pastes the columns in the same order as they appear in LogicNets. For the example below, the caption cell will display as an empty cell in Excel:

When you copy a row from Excel like this: 

the generic table will look like the following:

The same is possible with copying and pasting individual cells. You can copy one Excel cell to LogicNets and the other way around, as seen below:

Note: It is possible to copy a column from Excel to LogicNets, but it is not possible to copy a column from LogicNets to Excel.


For example tables to use to test this functionality, you can download the example project above and import it into your Designer.

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