Add Item to Collection

  • updated 4 mths ago


Insert Data Item is a function that allows a particular value or data object to created or modified within a collection.  It is an option that can be specified in a process node.  The Insert Data Item editor is located in the dropdown menu for the "collections" item in the top bar menu of the process node editor.


The Insert Data Item function is used to create or modify the value in a specific position within a collection.  

Editor Fields

Field Name




Data Object

This is the data object to be inserted into a collection. Specify a pre-existing data object to be stored within a target collection.  The user can include the compound form of the data object using the convention [Group Name].[Object Name], in which case the following Group field can be left blank. Instead of typing the data object name, the user can push the ellipses button to the right and then select a data object from the data model that will have been displayed as a result in the middle panel.



By reference

When this is checked system will insert the reference to the data object instead of a copy of the data-object.




This is the group containing the data object to be inserted into a collection. Specify the group containing the data object specified in the first parameter.  This field is left blank if either there is no group to which the data object specified in the field above belongs OR if the group name has been specified in the field above as part of a compound data object name.




This is the collection into which the system will insert a data object from the first parameter. Specify a pre-existing collection into which the data object from parameter one will be inserted.  Instead of typing the collection name, the user can push the ellipses button to the right and then select a collection from the data model that will have been displayed as a result in the middle panel.




This is the position in the collection into which the system will insert the data object. Specify the numeric position within the collection into which the data object specified in parameters 1 and 2 will be stored.  This field can be left blank if the user has specified the position in the previous parameter using the $(collection_name)[position#] compound naming convention. 




Download and import this example project in your workspace.

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