Introduction and Prerequisites

  • updated 3 yrs ago

When using the LogicNets Assessment Framework you have the ability to enable end-users of your application to use voice controls to answer questions and to navigate through the assessments. This allows end-users to complete an assessment without looking at the screen and to answer assessment questions without using a keyboard or mouse. 

LogicNets has worked closely with G2Speech to integrate software that improves voice-recognition results and provides specialized medical, legal, and technical dictionaries.

Before you can use speech integration in your LogicNets-based application, you need the following prerequisites:

  • LogicNets speech license for the speech package
  • G2Speech setup (G2Cursor + RSDK + license)
  • Optionally, a microphone with appropriate voice-recognition drivers. (Note: You can use any recording device, but LogicNets advises using a high-quality dictation microphone for optimal recognition results; for example, the Philips Speech Mike III is well tested and used for speech with LogicNets.


Please contact LogicNets' Sales Support for further details: https://logicnets.com/contact-us/.

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