Publishing Multiple Projects

  • updated 8 mths ago


Designer users have the ability to publish multiple applications at one time. This streamlines the publishing process when you have made changes to many projects and want to take the same publishing steps for each of the projects. Follow these steps to publish more than one application at a time.

Publishing Steps

  1. Under 'What to publish' select Multiple projects.

  2. Determine what action you want the system to take if it encounters a package with the same name and/or start code. You can either overwrite the existing package with the new one or you can skip publishing.
  3. As necessary, enter a common prefix and common postfix. You can also leave these fields blank.
    • The prefix/postfix feature is useful when you want to publish multiple packages that are all advancing in relation to the same version. For example, say you created three applications related to each other and then later do a redesign of these three. You could choose to publish the newer versions and overwrite the original ones or you could instead opt to publish the newer ones as a version of the originals. If you decided to create versions, you could enter "_v2" as the postfix for the newer applications instead of changing each of the package names one by one. With postfix you change all the application names at once by adding "_v2" to the published names.
    • The prefix field allows you to do the same thing. The difference is that it adds the update in front of the name.
  4. Select the projects you want to publish by clicking the checkbox next to that project's name.

  5. Enter the published package name and start code for each of the packages you are publishing.

  6. Click Publish to create an online version of your application and click Cancel to cancel the publishing process. In general, users should not use the Offline publishing feature, as this is a specialized function that does not apply for general publishing.

As with publishing a single application, the system displays the published package details on the tab, including the names of the published applications and the publish date. Next to the package information the system also provides tools to manage each of the published applications. 

Once you have published applications, the system also allows you to download zip files of all of the published applications with the push of one button.

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