Import Definition from Existing Table

  • updated 4 yrs ago

With this option users can import into the Designer a table from an external database, allowing LogicNets database parts to perform read-write operations on these external tables. To import an existing external table, the user must do the following:

  1. From within the project/data folder click the 'New table' function.
  2. From the data main panel select Import definition from existing table from the 'Mode' dropdown menu.
  3. Enter the name for the table as it will be identified in the Designer in the 'Table name' field.
  4. In the 'Table name in external DB' field enter the name of the external table.
  5. Click add to complete the operation.

Note: Users must configure the 'Source' options in the company configuration file. Initial configuration provides for data, which is a standard, local SQLite database. System administrators can set up other databases, however, which will then appear in the 'Source' dropdown menu.

To configure additional databases, to to the company settings configuration file (logicnets/dat/bnt/COMPANYNAME/settings.cfg) and add the databases in the section called '_context.LOGICNETS_TABLES_IN_EXTERNAL_DB'. Each entry must be a key-value pair that includes a caption and the name of the database. Note: For an ODBC-connected database the value must be the ODBC connection string to the database.


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  • 4 yrs agoLast active
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