Data Models in Libraries

  • updated 4 yrs ago

It possible to define an explicit data model in a library package and use that data model in the projects that included the library package. First you must create the data models and data-objects in the datamodels in your library project.


Then you publish your library and include the publish library in your other project (see above).

Now you can go to the data-tab of one of your logicnets. If you open the dropdown you will see all data models defined in your current project and all data models defined in all the included library packages. The name of the library-alias in put between brackets behind the data-model name.


You can sync the data-objects between the linked-library-datamodels and the data-objects defined in the logicnets. The sync will only go one way. It is not prohibited to update or add data-objects in the linked library packages.

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