Write Script

  • updated 3 yrs ago


The write_script part allows you to have the system execute a JavaScript/jQuery.


You can use the write script part in a node to execute JavaScript/jQuery at any point in the application.

NOTE: With the write_script client script part you can have your application execute in the browser JavaScript modeled in a logicnet. You must use this part must be used carefully, however, as it possible to make mistakes and introduce XSS vulnerabilities: https://owasp.org/www-community/attacks/xss/

When you use this part you must make sure that all data inserted into the script using $(..) is properly encoded.

  • For strings, you should call the JavaScript encode method myfunction("$(encode_js(…))").
  • A JSON-encoded string should not be JavaScript-encoded when used directly in a data object: var json=$(json_str).
  • If you use JSON.parse, data must be JavaScript-encoded using JSON.parse("$(encode_js(json_str))").

Editor Fields

Field Name Description/Use Type/Options Optional/Mandatory
Javascript This is the name of the JavaScript the system should execute. Text Mandatory
Mode Read: The system executes the JavaScript in the read cycle of the node.
Write: The system executes the JavaScript in the write cycle of the node.

Note: Some nodes don't have a write cycle; for example, the process node. So combining the write_script part in a process node with mode set to 'Write' won't work.
Read | Write Mandatory
Skip interpolation Unchecked: This means the system will interpolate.
Checked: This means the system will not interpolate.
Checkbox Mandatory
Escape jQuery This is only required when Skip interpolation is unchecked.

Unchecked: The system will not escape the jQuery code, so $() will be seen as an interpolation instead of jQuery.
Checked: The system will escape the jQuery code, so $() will be seen as jQuery instead of as an interpolation.
Checkbox Optional


Please download and import the following example project in your workspace.

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  • 3 yrs agoLast active
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