URL Transcode

  • updated 3 yrs ago


URL encoding stands for encoding certain characters in a URL. The url_transcode part does this by replacing them with one or more character triplets that consist of the percent character "%" followed by two hexadecimal digits. The two hexadecimal digits of the triplet(s) represent the numeric value of the replaced character. The part also helps you decode a url.


When you pass information through a URL, you need to make sure it only uses specific allowed characters like: alphabetic characters, numerals, and a few special characters that have meaning in the URL string. Any other characters should be encoded so that they don't cause problems. Any character that is not an alphabetic character, a number or a special character that is being used outside its normal context should be encoded.
The part can be created with the folllowing steps:

  1. Open the designer
  2. Right click
  3. Select "add node"
  4. Select "Process" (depends on the framework: you may also need to select "url_transcode" from the popup menu)
  5. Double click on the added node (A menu will pop-up on right hand side, if the project is based on the framework, you may see the options of the url_transcode part already without needing the following step 6.) 
  6. Insert a "url_transcode " from the opened menu
  7. Save


Editor Fields


Type / Options



Input string



Here you define the url or provide a data object that contains the url.

Output string



Here you define the name of the place or variable name that will hold the replaced text. In other words it holds your results.

Conversion type



Here you choose if you want to Encode or Decode the url.

 Resources (TAB)   O See node/part resource and references


Please download and import the following example project in your workspace. 

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