Speech Project Configuration

  • updated 3 yrs ago

General Speech Configuration

When you create a project based on the Assessment Framework there are several available speech configuration items in the Framework tab for project configuration. The fields include the following speech recognition options:

Enable Speech Recognition

In this field, select Yes to enable speech recognition and select No to disable speech recognition.

Speech Recognition Language

This field defines the language specification for all speech elements. The currently available language options are:

  • English (US)
  • English (UK)
  • Dutch
  • German
  • French

This also determines how to trigger tab pages and buttons in the Assessment Framework. Different languages require different statements to switch tabs or select a button. For example, to switch a tab in English you have to say "Page XXX" and in Dutch you would say "Pagina XXX". With a button selector you would say "Go to YYY" in English or "Ga naar YYY" in Dutch.

Speech Reporting Group

This field is free text and it sets which reporting group to use. A reporting group is a speech-recognition-specific configuration and is a combination of a language set and specific dictionary. It is configured in the G2Speech / Recognosco speech engine. Selecting the right name will help the software to choose the correct reporting group. If the system cannot find the reporting group identified in this field it will select the first available reporting group.

Note: The configured Speech recognition language must match the language for the reporting group!

Speech Navigation Sound

The system allows the user to select a sound to play as audible feedback when the system navigates to another question, either because the end user answered a question or because the end user navigated using the FWD/REW buttons. The user selects the audio file to play from the files available in the resources/media folder in the the project tree.

Speech Recognized Sound

When the end user gives an answer and the system recognizes the answer the system plays a sound. This is intended for the directly recognized answers and not for free text, number, or date inputs.

The user selects the audio file to play from the files available in the resources/media folder in the the project tree.

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