The external storage system (ESS) manages a document's workflow. When user open a document in the ESS the ESS launches the LogicNets system with an ESS session-key, report-key, and user-key. The session-key represents the ESS user session and must be made unique by the ESS. The system passes the session-key back with all calls to the ESS.
The LogicNets system receives a start request and places a web request with a session-key, report-key, and user-key to pull the selected document. LogicNets uses the report-key to detect whether a document is already opened and it must be unique to each document. The system passes this report-key back with all calls to the ESS. LogicNets does not use the user-key but passes it back with all calls to the ESS.
The LogicNets Starter provides a URL interface to start the LogicNets system from the ESS. The ESS must provide an interface to load, save, and cancel documents. These ESS interfaces are REST-services.