Customization Nets/Folders in Assessment
Customization plugin logicnets (customization nets) are logicnets that you model in your AssessmentFramework-based project and that the AssessmentFramework calls at defined points in the application runtime. You configure these customization nets on the Framework tab in the project settings of the AssessmentFramwork-based project or by placing them in reserved folders in your AssessmentFramework-based project.
Editor Fields
Customization plugin logicnets use the following folders or editor fields:
Type | Setting/Folder | Allow UI | Description |
Folder | forms | Yes | All logicnets in the forms folder of your project show as the vertical tabs in your running application. They display in the order in which they appear in the folder and are called by the system when opening the tab. The short title is the text the system displays on the tab, and the system shows the title by default at the top of the form(shown in tab) and title (shown at top of form) default to the logicnet name unless specified in the logicnet details screen. As part of validating the whole assessment, the system calls all nets in the sequence they appear in the folder after the form is submitted. |
Folder | reports | Yes | All nets appear in the report tab in the order in which they appear in the folder. |
Folder | onstart | No | The logicnets in this folder are called by the system when a user starts the assessment. The system calls them before validating all nets and before the rendering the first form and report. |
Folder | onsubmit (7.4+) | No | Similar to the post-submit-net, the system calls the nets in this folder when the user selects a submit menu-button from the top bar of the application. The system executes these nets before preparing the data for sending back to the starter application. You can use these nets to put data inside the ‘raw_session_data’ container and the system passes this data back to the starter application as objects inside the DataItem group by default. |
Folder | onsave (7.4+) | No | Similar to the post-save-net, the system calls the nets in this folder when a user selects the Save button from the top bar of the application. These nets are executed before the data is prepared for sending back to the starter. These nets can put data inside the ‘raw_session_data’ container and the system passes this data back to the starter as objects inside the DataItem group by default. |
Setting | Report net | Yes | This is the logicnet the system calls to generate a custom report. If you leave this field empty the Assessment Framework will call report logicnets from the report folder to generate a report. The system calls the report net every time the report needs to be updated (after validation is finished), and the system presents the generated report in the Report tab of your application. |
Setting | Post report net (7.4+) | Yes | This is the name of the logicnet the system calls generate a custom report footer or to add report items to the end of the report. The system calls this after the report net. |
Setting | Conclusion net | Yes | The system calls this logicnet to generate a conclusion report. The system calls this logicnet each time the report needs to be updated (after validation is finished), and the system presents the generated conclusion report in the Conclusion tab before the diagnose report. |
Setting | Diagnose net | Yes |
This is logicnet the system calls to generate a diagnose report. The system calls it each time the report needs to be updated (after validation is finished). The system presents the generated diagnose report in the Conclusion tab after the conclusion report
Setting | Tabs net | No | The sytem calls this net after loading the list of form logicnets. |
Setting | Init net | No | The system calls this logicnet when starting the assessment. |
Setting | Post validate net | No | This is the name of the logicnet the system calls after validating all forms but before updating the top bar and tabs. |
Setting | Pre start protocol net | No | This is the name of the logicnet the system calls for new/empty sessions when the assessment is started. |
Setting | Post load net | No | This is the name of the logicnet the system calls before rendering the topbar is rendered for the first time. |
Setting | Post submit net | No | See onsubmit folder. |
Setting | Post save net | No | See save folder. |
Layered Frameworks
The AssessmentFramework application may be "derived" multiple times; for example, you can create a framework based on the AssessmentFramework. For derived applications the system will take the settings at the lowest level and override the settings provided at a higher level. If nets appear in reserved folders on multiple levels the system executes all nets.
Customization Calls in Assessment Framework
The diagram below shows when in the process each logicnet runs, as specified in the settings or in a folder.